%A NIM.: 20102020037 Filda Alifatul Farahiyah %O Pembimbing: Sudharno Dwi Yuwono, M.Pd. %T SELF-FORGIVENESS PADA PENYINTAS NARKOBA PASCA KONSELING REHABILITASI DI PABM NAWACITA JOGJA %X The habit of consuming narcotics or addictive substances that causes psychological or physical decline or changes as well as dependence in the individual. The guilt felt by a survivor often becomes an obstacle for them to continue their life even though they have recovered from drug addiction. For this reason, self-forgiveness is needed in survivors so that they are free from guilt and accept themselves. In self-forgiveness there are several phases that all survivors are thought to be able to go through as a whole or only through one of them in achieving self-forgiveness. The phases in self-forgiveness are the disclosure phase (Uncovering Phase), decision phase (Decision Phase), action phase (Work Phase), and deepening phase (Deepening Phase). The aim of this research is to find out, describe and analyze the process of drug self-forgiveness after rehabilitation counseling at PABM Nawacita Jogja. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods and data collection in the form of interviews, observation and documentation. The subjects of this research were drug survivors who were at PABM Nawacita Jogja. As a validation step, the researchers involved supporting subjects, namely the head and house counselor of PABM Nawacita Jogja. The participation of the main subject and supporting subjects is expected to provide deeper insight and diversify perspectives regarding the self-forgiveness process in drug survivors after rehabilitation counseling at PABM Nawacita Jogja. Based on the research results, it is known that both subjects have gone through the four phases of self-forgiveness which occurred at different times and with different motivation factors %K Self-forgiveness, Penyintas Narkoba, Pasca Konseling Rehabilitasi %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64533