%A NIM.: 22204031006 Suliani %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. Khamim Zarkasih Putro, M.Si. %T IMPLEMENTASI PENGETAHUAN SAINS MELALUI METODE EKPLORASI LINGKUNGAN SEKOLAH ANAK DI KELOMPOK BERMAIN BIM BIM CHA YOGYAKARTA %X This research was motivated by the fact that the expected learning objectives had not been achieved optimally and the activities in the class were focused on children's worksheets (LKA). So interesting and fun activities and media tools and materials are needed during the learning process to increase children's science knowledge. According to S. Suyanto, science exploration is an activity to observe and investigate natural objects and phenomena. Environmental exploration methods will be very helpful in fostering interest in science learning. The more the senses are involved in learning, the more children understand what they are learning. Therefore, this research discusses developing early childhood science knowledge through methods of exploring the environment around children at the Anggrek Putih Kindergarten in Bandar Lampung. Science activities in this research include observation (observer), classification (grouping), prediction (forecasting), and communicating. In this research, the method used is qualitative with a qualitative descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were the homeroom teacher/teacher and 12 children aged 5-6 years in class , including 8 boys and 4 girls. Data collection methods in research include observation, interviews and documentation methods of exploring the environment around children in the classroom, namely: first the teacher prepares exploration activities by setting the objectives of the activity, second the teacher carries out the activity by discussing procedures, tools and materials with the children, as well as guiding and supervising the children, third the teacher evaluates and assesses the children after the activity the experiment has been completed; The teacher evaluates and provides reinforcement for the development of children's scientific knowledge and exploration abilities, then the teacher carries out assessments according to the development of children's scientific knowledge in the process of exploring the environment around the child. Educators do not have to emphasize the level of success of children, but must look at each child's abilities, because children's abilities are different. The results of children's exploration method activities in the school environment show interest in science activities, express themselves in creative ways in various fields, dare to take risks and try new things, have great curiosity, enjoy playing outside and like fantasy, enjoy being involved in exploration activities, showing interest and appreciation for the surrounding environment, expressing imagination verbally and showing imagination and images. Overall, it can be concluded that the research results show the effectiveness of children's science knowledge through environmental exploration methods with strategies that have been described and applied to students at KB Bim-bim Cha Yogyakarta. %K science knowledge; exploration; early childhood %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64539