%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Tarmizi, NIM.: 22202011006 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2024 %F digilib:64569 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Komunikasi Dakwah Kultural, Sarafal Anam, Suku Lembak, Budaya Lokal %P 168 %T KOMUNIKASI DAKWAH KULTURAL DALAM BUDAYA SARAFAL ANAM SUKU LEMBAK KOTA BENGKULU %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64569/ %X Cultural Propagation Communication in the Sarafal Anam Tradition of the Lembak Tribe in Bengkulu City depicts an intriguing and pivotal phenomenon within the context of religious and cultural studies. Sarafal anam, as an orally transmitted tradition passed down through generations, serves as the primary medium for disseminating religious teachings and values within this community. Dakwah, or religious propagation, is not merely seen as a process of conveying religious doctrines but is also an integral part of everyday life, permeating various cultural and social aspects of the Lembak Tribe's society. The methodology employed in this research encompasses ethnographic approaches alongside in-depth participatory observation techniques. Through direct observation and participation in the daily activities of the Lembak Tribe community, researchers gain a comprehensive understanding of how cultural propagation communication occurs within the context of sarafal anam. In-depth interviews with community leaders are also conducted to gain deeper insights into these cultural propagation practices. The findings of the research indicate that cultural propagation communication within the sarafal anam tradition of the Lembak Tribe plays a significantly influential role in preserving the religious and cultural identity of the community. The process of dakwah occurring through sarafal anam is not merely about conveying religious messages but also represents the integration of religious teachings into everyday life, including art, music, and local traditions. This illustrates the complexity and depth of the interaction between religion and culture within the local community context. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Khadiq, S.Ag., M.Hum.