%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Sri Haningsih, NIM.: 20304011004 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2024 %F digilib:64573 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K moral education; self-regulation; moral values; Mahasantri %P 416 %T PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK DAN PENGUATAN REGULASI-DIRI MAHASANTRI: Studi Di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswi Al Hidayah Candikarang Sardonoharjo Ngaglik Sleman %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64573/ %X In education, one of the essential goals to be achieved is to generate Indonesian citizens who have noble character, dedicated, capable and skilful. This research was conducted based upon the phenomenon related to the moral problem in Indonesian people, including Mahasantri that do not comply with the core values of the aim of Islamic boarding school (Pesantren) education in generating Mahasantri with noble morals. Moral education integrated with self-regulation has not been able to lead the Mahasantri to be independent to their own success as individuals. This reflection of noble morals still needs routine coaching. This research used multi method, i.e. a research method combining qualitative and quantitative method simultaneously in order to result in comprehensive, valid, reliable and objective data. The subjects of this research were the director of the foundation, administrators and Mahasantri (students) of PP Al Hidayah Students. Meanwhile, the data were collected by means of observation, questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and documentation. The quantitative data analysis method used correlation and linear regression tests, while the qualitative data analysis used the Spradley model, i.e. domain analysis, taxonomy, components, and cultural themes. Furthermore, the process of checking the validity of quantitative data was based on validity tests and reliability tests. Testing the validity of qualitative data here was conducted through the tests of credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The results of this research showed that: first, the moral education and self-regulation of the Mahasantri of PP Al Hidayah Candikarang, Sardonoharjo, Ngalik, Sleman are in the medium category. Second, there was a positive correlation of moral education and students’ self-regulation. Based on the results of the regression analysis, it was found that moral education had an effect on students’ self-regulation. This correlation provides an understanding that the higher the moral of Mahasantri, the higher their self-regulation ability. The level of the impact of the mahasantri moral education variable on self-regulation was 40.5%, and the rest was determined by other variables. Third, the factors determining the moral education of students at Al Hidayah Islamic Boarding School included instincts, customs, innate basic patterns, and the environment. Fourth, the factors that determined the students’ self-regulation at PP Al Hidayah included individual factors, behavioural factors and environmental factors. The findings of this research showed the conceptual implication that Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is very important in generating individuals who are sustainable and empowered, and has a positive impact on society, namely: learning strategies and methods through habituation and exemplary methods by reflecting with the Mahasantri. %Z Promotor I: Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Munip, M. Ag. dan Promotor II: Prof. Dr. Eva Latipah, S. Ag., S. Psi., M. Si.