%A NIM.: 20108010001 Nala Syifa Dewanti %O Pembimbing: Achmad Nurdany, S.E.I., S.E., M.E.K %T DETERMINAN GENDER INCOME INEQUALITY DI 10 NEGARA ANGGOTA ORGANISASI KERJA SAMA ISLAM (OKI) 2010-2020 %X This study examines the determinants of gender income inequality in 10 Organization of Islamic Coorperation (OIC) countries. The gender income gap caused by gender bias against women is a problem that inhibits economic development. In this study, panel data with panel data regression method was used. The findings show that gender income inequality is positively and significantly influenced by gross domestic product, tertiary school enrollment, primary school enrollment, and government expenditure consumption. Therefore, the effect of education on income equality has a large influence because education as human capital has implications for increasing productivity and human resources. Accordingly, gender-based income inequality can be reduced when gender equity in education increases. %K Gender, Income Inequality, Data Panel, OKI %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64588