@phdthesis{digilib64602, month = {March}, title = {PENGARUH HARGA MINYAK, SUKU BUNGA (BI 7-DAY), EKSPOR, DAN IMPOR TERHADAP NILAI TUKAR RUPIAH DI INDONESIA TAHUN 2015-2022}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20108010113 Lingga Hepi Lestari}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo S.E., M.Sc}, keywords = {Nilai Tukar, Harga Minyak, Suku Bunga, Ekspor, Impor}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64602/}, abstract = {The rupiah exchange rate on the dollar has increased from 2015 to 2022. Indonesia is a country that implements a floating exchange rate system so that it can change according to the demand and supply of money. If the demand for foreign exchange increases against the domestic currency, the value of the domestic currency will decrease. There are several factors that affect the demand and supply of foreign exchange, namely import payments, in this case oil imports so that oil prices can affect the demand for foreign exchange, capital inflows and capital outflows, which in this case are influenced by interest rates, and exports and imports that affect the demand and supply of money. This study uses monthly time series data for the period 2015-2022 using the VAR / VECM model. It was found that oil prices interest rates and exports affect the rupiah exchange rate.} }