@phdthesis{digilib64664, month = {January}, title = {POLA-POLA CANCEL CULTURE DALAM PEMBERITAAN KASUS KDRT PADA AKUN TWITTER @AREAJULID DAN @MARDIASIH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19107020010 Putri Intan Permatasari}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: B. J. Sujibto, M. A.}, keywords = {Cancel culture, KDRT, Netizen, Twitter}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64664/}, abstract = {Without realizing it, cancel culture is currently rife in cyberspace in Indonesia. Cancel culture is defined as a phenomenon that occurs on social media platforms when certain individuals or groups demand that other individuals or entities be boycotted en masse. This phenomenon also often occurs as a response to controversies involving violence, racism, genocide, homophobia, sexism or behavior that is considered detrimental to society, one of which is domestic violence. Based on this background, this research will explain the patterns and forms of expression of cancel culture in reporting domestic violence cases on the @AREAJULID and @mardiasih accounts. This research uses the netnography method using data collection techniques based on online observation and documentation. The theory used in this research is the Spiral of Silence as an effort to explain the dynamics and factors that support the cancellation culture carried out by Twitter netizens against perpetrators of domestic violence. Researchers found that there were six cases of domestic violence on the @AREAJULID and @mardiasih accounts, in each case showing a collective response directed by netizens towards the perpetrators and parties involved in the case. Responses made by netizens included threats, loss of public trust, hashtag campaigns, reports, hate speech, and support for victims. The dynamics of the patterns and causes behind the cancel culture phenomenon of domestic violence perpetrators include the anonymity of netizens, structural tensions, the development of issues and the spread of public trust, Twitter mobilization, public threats, assessment of the opinion climate, deactivation and exclusion of domestic violence perpetrators.} }