%A NIM.: 19107020060 Astari Eta Parera %O Pembimbing: Dr. Andri Rosadi. Ph. D %T MAKNA DAN FUNGSI BELIS DALAM PRAKTIK ADAT PERKAWINAN DI DESA LAMABUNGA FLORES TIMUR %X According to the traditions of the Lamaholot community, belis is referred to as a dowry which is a form of appreciation from men towards women in marriage customs that have noble values. The form of belis uses elephant ivory or commonly called bala, as the highest belis in a marriage in Lamaholot. The process of determining the belis is carried out during the application process and before the marriage ceremony. The subjects of this research were community leaders in Lamabunga village. Specifically regarding the interpretation of the meaning and function of belis in traditional marriage practices in Lamabunga Village. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with traditional collection using observation, interviews and documentation, then the data is processed through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the problem of what is the meaning and function of belis contained in marriage customs in Lamabunga Village is. Belis is a symbol of the bond between men and women from the level of marriage to the end of the husband and wife relationship. However, on the other hand, determining the number of belis always causes problems and often leads to conflict between the women's and men's families. The author researched and took the title about the meaning and function of belis in traditional marriage practices in Lamabunga Village, because he wanted to see the meaning and function of belis bala in marriage customs. %K Tradisi Masyarakat, Adat Perkawinan, Belis Gading Gajah %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64666