%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A M. Audhafareza Akbar, NIM.: 20202012026 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2024 %F digilib:64717 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Da'wah discourse; Ngaji Philosophy; Fahruddin Faiz; Youtube %P 146 %T ANALISIS WACANA DAKWAH NGAJI FILSAFAT CINTA DR.FAHRUDDIN FAIZ DI YOUTUBE MJS CHANNEL %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64717/ %X The development of technology is very rapid, making da'wah that was originally carried out conventionally, now turns into digital da'wah. Dr. Fahruddin Faiz as one of the contemporary preachers utilizes YouTube to expand the preaching. Through the Ngaji Philosophy activity program held at the Sudirman General Mosque, and broadcast through the MJS Channel youtube channel, it has gained a lot of attention from the younger generation. This is because the selection of material topics discussed is often related to the problems of the lives of the younger generation, and is packaged in an interesting way, using simple language, easy to understand, and interspersed with crisp jokes, making the congregation interested in following the ngaji philosophy every week. One of the topics of material that many of his jama'ah are interested in, is about love. Love is one of the things that is closely related to the younger generation. Many young people have a narrow view of love and its meaning. The wrong perspective on love can cause people to fall into dishonor and misguidance. The number of cases of violence, free sexual deviations, and the most tragic cases of suicide due to frustration of breaking up. Making love a source of problems in the lives of the younger generation. Fahruddin Faiz comes to provide a different view of love. So it is very interesting to study in the perspective of da'wah discourse. This research uses van Dijk's discourse analysis method by paying attention to three dimensions of analysis, namely: the dimension of text structure analysis, the dimension of social cognition, and the dimension of social context analysis to see the discourse contained in Fahruddin Faiz's three lecture videos entitled "Philosophy of Love" on the MJS Channel YouTube channel. Then, the results showed that the three videos analyzed were known to contain da'wah discourse about the true nature of love. By reviewing the thoughts of well-known Western and Eastern philosophers such as: Plato, Erich Fromm, and Jalaluddin Rumi, which are correlated with current social reality. then it can be concluded that the meaning of love that is understood today has shifted from the meaning of the true nature of love. According to Fahruddin Faiz, the essence of love is love that boils down to divine love. Love that is built only for God. Love that can bring benefits, and improve the quality of life. If love is built only because of erotic and selfish desires, then love will be a source of problems in life. Then, it can also be seen that the reason he delivered this study was to celebrate the coming of February, which is known as the month of love. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay, M.Si., M.A.