%A NIM.: 19101040006 Maulana Hasan %O Pembimbing: Iryanto Chandra, M.Eng. %T EVALUASI KUALITATIF SENAYAN LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM DI PERPUSTAKAAN GANESHA SMAN 1 JETIS DITINJAU DENGAN MODEL HOT-FIT %X Many libraries apply SLiMS to their management and services. However, to find out whether or not the software in the library is appropriate, it is necessary to conduct an evaluation. The evaluation of information systems has the function of assessing the quality and success of the system. This study aims to identify, describe, and analyze the qualitative evaluation of SLiMS in the Ganesha library at SMA Negeri 1 Jetis in terms of the hot fit model in depth. The research method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative research. Primary data collection was carried out through interviews with sources and observation, while secondary data was obtained through documentation. Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, the researcher concluded that the SLiMS information system at the Ganesha library was running well, had good quality, and was according to user requirements. %K Evaluasi Sistem, SLiMS, HOT Fit %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64798