%A NIM.: 20201012015 Silmi Malina Binta %O Pembimbing: Dr. Khairon Nahdiyyin, M.A. %T FENOMENA ADJUNG BAHASA ARAB DALAM PERSPEKTIF HILDE HASSELGARD %X The aim of this study is to describe categories of adjunct as part of the additional elements (fudlah) in Arabic language. This study is based on the division of core and pheriphery elements by focusing on the concept classification of adjunct by Hilde Hasselgard. The data of this research is sentences that taken from contemporary novels that has varied sentence patterns. The result shows that adjunct can be created in the form of word, phrase and clause from noun, adverbia phrase, prepotitional phrase, nominal clause and verbal clause. Fudlah that is included as an adjunct: Zaraf al-Makan (locative adjunct) explaining position, direct and distance. Zaraf az-Zaman (temporal adjunct) explains the position of time, duration and relation. Maf’ul Li ajlihi (contingency adjunct) explains cause and purpose, Maf‘ul ma‘ah (Accompaniment adjunct), maf‘ul mutlaq (adjunct of degree) explains affirmation and quality. Hal (manner adjunct) explaining the way and aquality. As for fudlah that’s not included as an adjunct is tamyiz, at-Tawabi’ (na‘at, taukid, badal, ataf) and istis|na. %K Unsur Non-Inti, Fudlah, Adjung Bahasa Arab %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64815