@mastersthesis{digilib64835, month = {May}, title = {PERUBAHAN TRADISI MAMACA KETAB MI?RAJ MASYARAKAT MADURA DI KECAMATAN SONGGON BANYUWANGI 1950-1980}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21201021024 Jergian Jodi}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Maharsi, M.Hum}, keywords = {Prosesi Tradisi Mamaca Ketab Mi?raj, Fungsi Tradisi Mamaca Ketab Mi?raj, Perubahan Tradisi Mamaca}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64835/}, abstract = {Research on changes in the Ketab Mi'raj mamaca tradition in commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj of the Madurese community in Songgon District is research that focuses on the procession of the mamaca tradition. As is known, the commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj in 1950 through the mamaca tradition then changed to another procession, namely the Khataman Al-Qur'an in 1980 as a new method that emerged from among religious leaders. The existence of the Ketab Mi'raj mamaca tradition is then no longer the only reference for the community in commemorating Isra' Mi'raj and only lives in the environment of mamaca figures which are held in the mamaca arisan event every year. Mamaca figures as movers as well as religious figures in 1950 played an important role in preserving the Ketab Mi'raj mamaca tradition. The main issues in this study are: First, how is the existence of the mamaca Ketab Mi'raj tradition in the social life of the Songgon people 1950-1980? Second, the function of the mamaca Ketab Mi'raj tradition in the Madurese community in Songgon? Third, why has the function of the mamaca Ketab Mi'raj tradition changed? This research uses a socio-cultural approach. The theory used is the theory of structural functionalism from Robert King Merton to find out the manifest function (desired function) and latent function (unconscious function) in the reading of the Ketab Mi'raj in Songgon District. This research was conducted using historical research methods through heuristic stage, verification, interpretation and the final stage is historiography. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The existence of the reading of the Ketab Mi'raj before 1950 the intensity of the reading was always done once a year, namely when entering the 27th of the month of Rajab. However, in 1950-1960 the intensity of reading has decreased slightly. In 1960-1970 the commemoration of the Isra' Mi'raj night in Songgon District began to switch to the procession of completing the Al-Qur'an. This was due to a shift in the position of the mamaca figures from those who previously included them as religious leaders, then their positions were replaced by ustaz as religious leaders. 2) 1970-1980 was the culmination of the decreasing intensity of reading the Ketab Mi'raj and it was no longer an obligation to commemorate the night of Isra' Mi'raj. The thing that most affected its decline was due to the shift in the role of mamaca figures, dynamic changes in society from traditional to modern, lack of support from the government's role for the tradition of reading the Ketab Mi'raj, and a change in values in society from ethical to aesthetic.} }