@mastersthesis{digilib64939, month = {February}, title = {PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA FLASH CARD DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPERCAYAAN DIRI ANAK USIA DINI}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 21204032019 Mia Revi Ukhtiani}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Raden Rachmy Diana, S.Psi., M.A., Psi}, keywords = {Anak Usia Dini, Kepercayaan Diri, Media Flashcard}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64939/}, abstract = {This research is based on the problem that exists at PAUD Al-Husna, namely that children still lack self-confidence when presenting something in front of the class or in front of many people. There is also a lack of media used to increase children's selfconfidence and creative, innovative and fun learning methods so that children do not explore their abilities. One of the media used is flashcards. The aim of this research is: to determine the feasibility of flashcard game media as a medium to increase children's self-confidence and produce flashcard game media to increase children's selfconfidence. The method used is Research and Development (R\&D) with a 4D model. The objects of this research were 20 children from PAUD Al-Husna Argodadi. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, observation and interviews. The feasibility test uses a percentage formula, namely NP. Meanwhile, to test product effectiveness using the Normality Test and t test with the one sample group t-test model. The development results show: first, Flashcard Media was developed with a 4D model, namely Define, including needs analysis, child analysis, task analysis and goal analysis. Design is carried out by determining the media design in terms of form, theme and image. Development is carried out by making products from the design results so that they become flashcard media. Dissemination is carried out with validation tests from material experts, media experts and teacher responses to flashcard media. Second, the flashcard media is said to be appropriate based on the media expert's assessment which gets a score of 92, then the results of the material expert's assessment get a score of 85, and the assessment results from the teacher's response get a score of 100. Third, the media is said to be effective as shown by the t test with the one sample group t- model test that got a result of 0.000, which is less than 0.05, meaning there was a change between after and before using flashcard media with an average value of 13.5 in the pretest results and 23.65 in the posttest results, so the conclusion is that flashcard media is effective in increasing the self-confidence of children aged early. Thus, flashcard media can be used as a medium to increase the self-confidence of young children.} }