%A NIM.: 20300011051 Riya Fatmawati %O Promotor: Prof. Dr. Nurdin Laugu, S.Ag., SS., M.A. dan Dr. Nurus Sa’adah, S.Psi, M.Si., Psi. %T IMPLIKASI NILAI RELIGIOSITAS TERHADAP KINERJA PUSTAKAWAN PERGURUAN TINGGI DI SUMATERA BARAT %X It is the strong religious and custom acceptance of West Sumatera people that underlines the study entitled the Implication of Religious Values for the Performance of Higher Education Librarians of West Sumatera. These religious and tradition practices can be seen in nearly all aspects of life; and profession is no different. How those practices affect librarians’ performance will be depicted. This research discusses three main issues: religiousness, performance and the implication of religious values for the Higher Education librarians of West Sumatera. This qualitative study applies phenomenological approach, and collects data from observation, interviews, and documentations. Carried out in three University Libraries (i.e. UIN Imam Bonjol Padang, Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP), Universitas Bung Hatta), it took eighteen informants comprising nine servicesection librarians and nine users. Religiousness theory of Clock and Stark, which includes five religious dimensions: religious belief, religious practice, religious feeling, religious knowledge dan religious effect, was used. The study bears three main discoveries. First, the librarians’ religiousness includes a) religious belief (implied in the pillars of faith belief), b) religious practice (manifested in religious rituals), c) religious feeling (expressed in grateful feeling), d) religious knowledge (reflected in wanting to broaden religious horizon), and e) religious effect (implemented in good human relations). Second, the librarians’ performance is viewed through 1) the existence of work culture by (a) being responsible: as shown in the highly discipline habit and (b) exemplary: work and practice truthfully; 2) innovation-bringing in for improvement: suggesting better-service ideas. Third, four discoveries on the librarian performance in response to religious values: 1) Character building is viewed from (a) librarian spiritualism and (b) librarians’ working commitment and integrity 2) librarian attitude alteration is seen from (a) sympathetic and emphatic attitude and (b) hospitality owned by the librarian 3) religious corporate appearance in the library utilization in the form of (a) personal sharing among librarians within and (b) working religious culture 4) religious energizer creation as self-actualizing while practicing Islamic teachings and being the exemplary for others %K Nilai Religiositas, Pustakawan, Kinerja Pustakawan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64954