%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Devi Permita Sari, NIM.: 20106010043 %B FAKULTAS SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI %D 2024 %F digilib:64976 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Masalah Transportasi, Metode Max-Min, Metode Shootout, Solusi Optimal, TMTP %P 172 %T PERBANDINGAN METODE SHOOTOUT DAN METODE MAX-MIN DALAM PENYELESAIAN MASALAH TRANSPORTASI UNTUK MEMINIMALKAN WAKTU DAN BIAYA DENGAN KENDALA CAMPURAN %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/64976/ %X Transportation problems are related to a plan in distributing goods from source to destination with an economical shipping route in order to obtain maximum profit with the aim of minimizing transportation costs. In certain cases such as the delivery of fresh foodstuffs with a short storage period, fast spoilage, perishable goods, delivery of medicines, conditions when there is a natural disaster or war, the goal of the transportation problem is not only to minimize costs but also to minimize time or Time Minimizing Transportation Problem (TMTP). Nowadays in transportation problems not only focus on the optimal results obtained, but also the effectiveness of the method. This research is aimed at discussing the Shootout Method and the Max-Min Method as new methods that directly obtain the optimal solution, without requiring an initial solution. In this final project, researchers applied the Shootout Method and Max-Min Method to the transportation problem of minimizing the delivery time of Albert David Company, as well as the transportation problem of minimizing the shipping costs of Perum BULOG Ambon Maluku Sub Divre by modifying the data on demand and inventory constraints into mixed constraints. Based on the research results, it shows that by using the Shootout Method and the Max-Min Method the results obtained are the same, both in the case of minimizing time or cost. However, the Shootout Method produces fewer iterations than the Max-Min Method. Thus, the Shootout Method is more effective than the Max-Min Method. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Muhammad Wakhid Mustofa, S.Si., M.Si.