%A NIM.: 19103050054 Rini Riski Rahmiwati %O Pembimbing: Siti Djazimah, S.Ag., M.S.I. %T EFEKTIVITAS PELAKSANAAN BIMBINGAN PERKAWINAN BAGI PASANGAN DI BAWAH USIA KAWIN (STUDI DI KUA KAPANEWON MLATI KABUPATEN SLEMAN TAHUN 2022) %X Based on research conducted and written in the Student Studies journal by Nanda Dadhifah and Puji Wulandari Kuncorowati, it shows that in 2022 the highest rate of early marriage in Sleman Regency will be at KUA Kapanewon Mlati. As many as 22 people or 11 couples entered into early marriage through marriage dispensation on the grounds of pregnancy. This number has increased from the previous year, namely 2021 with a total of 14 people or 7 pairs. The increase in the number of early marriages indicates that marriages carried out by underage couples are likely to continue to exist due to traditions or customs, behavior such as teenage promiscuity, and changes in the minimum age for marriage. Meanwhile, with the issuance of Decree of the Director General of Islamic Guidance Number 373 of 2017 and Decree of the Director General of Islamic Guidance Number 379 of 2018, couples who are getting married are required to take part in marriage guidance held at the KUA. Based on the two regulations above, what is the effectiveness of the implementation of marriage guidance for couples under marriage age at KUA Kapanewon Mlati, and is the implementation of marriage guidance effective in efforts to build household resilience for couples under marriage age. This research is of the type field research which characterizes qualitative research and is descriptive analytical in nature. The approach used is empirical juridical which examines legal provisions that actually occur in society with the aim of finding facts that can be used as research data. To find facts in the field, the data collection techniques used were documentation and interviews with KUA Kapanewon Mlati parties. The data analysis used is an inductive analysis model through three stages of data analysis in the form of reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The final results of the research concluded that the implementation of marriage guidance for couples under marriage age at KUA Kapanewon Mlati was still not effective. The causes of the ineffective implementation of marriage guidance for couples under the marriageable age are analyzed through several aspects, namely: 1. Aspects of marriage guidance participants (couples under the marriageable age are not present when given the marriage guidance invitation, participants arrive late, and participants are unable to take part in the guidance full marriage for 2 days); 2. Aspects of providing modules and books on the foundations of the Sakinah family; 3. The aspect of marriage guidance learning time that does not reach 16 JPL; 4. Aspects of one of the learning materials are not in accordance with the Director General's Decree Number 379 of 2018. The implementation of marriage guidance at KUA Kapanewon Mlati is quite effective in efforts to foster household resilience for couples under marriage age. %K Bimbingan Perkawinan, KUA, Ketahanan Rumah Tangga, Pernikahan Dini %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64989