%A NIM.: 19103050057 Hasmar Husain Nusantara Hasibuan %O Pembimbing: Hj. Fatma Amilia, S. Ag., M.SI. %T HUBUNGAN ANTARA WANITA KARIR DAN TINGGINYA KASUS CERAI GUGAT DI PENGADILAN AGAMA KOTA PEKANBARU %X Marriage in Islam is defined as an inner and outer bond between a man and a woman with the aim of forming an eternal and happy family based on belief in the Almighty God. In marriage, husband and wife have their respective roles, duties and obligations. However, with the development of the times and the emancipation of women, many women are also working outside the home, not only as housewives. This research aims to explore the factors that cause the high number of contested divorces filed by career women at the Pekanbaru City Religious Court. I A. This involves an analysis of household harmonization, the dual role of women as housewives and workers, as well as the impact of divorce laws on the parties concerned. This research method involves analyzing data on divorce cases at the Pekanbaru Religious Court, with a focus on cases involving career women. This research is descriptive analytical field research. The research approach uses an empirical juridical approach. Research data was taken using interview techniques and analyzed qualitatively. The conclusion of this research found that the factors causing divorce in the Pekanbaru city religious courts were dominated by continuous disputes and quarrels and a loss of harmony in the family. Family relations in career women's households where there is a lack of communication or even no communication at all between husband and wife, either starting from the beginning of the marriage or there are several incidents that make communication bad. %K Wanita Karir, Cerai Gugat, Pengadilan Agama %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib64990