%A NIM.: 20103070054 Franda Yogibaytanka %O Pembimbing: Miski, M. Sos. %T UPAYA PENCEGAHAN MALADMINISTRASI PELAYANAN PUBLIK OLEH LEMBAGA OMBUDSMAN DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA TAHUN 2022 PERSPEKTIF SIYASAH DUSTURIYAH %X This study aims to analyze maladministration prevention efforts in public services carried out by the Yogyakarta Special Region Ombudsman Institute in 2022 from the perspective of siyasah dusturiyah. One of the tasks of the DIY LO is to examine reports of alleged maladministration in the delivery of public services and issue recommendations on those reports shown to the reported. However, there is still a lot of maladministration in the administration of government and irregularities in private governance. Therefore, the formulation of the problem arises: How are efforts to prevent maladministration of public services in DIY by the Yogyakarta Special Region Ombudsman Institute in 2022? How does Siyasah Dusturiyah review the Yogyakarta Special Region Ombudsman Institute? To answer these legal problems, the method used by the author uses an empirical juridical approach, namely legal research based on field facts. Data were obtained through documentation studies and interviews with leaders and staff of the Yogyakarta Special Region Ombudsman Institute. All collected data is then analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the Yogyakarta Special Region Ombudsman Institute has made various efforts to prevent maladministration of public services by means of socialization either through social media or directly to the community, as well as collaborating with various institutions, individuals, government agencies, government and private business entities, professional organizations, NGOs, universities, community organizations, and stakeholders (stakeholders). The DIY Ombudsman Institute has similarities with wilayat al-hisbah, which is a supervisory institution in the Islamic constitutional system that has the task of implementing the principles of al-Amr bi al-Ma'ruf wa al-Nahy an al-Munkar, which aims to seek the benefit of the Ummah. %K Maladministrasi, Pelayanan Publik, Lembaga Ombudsman Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65030