%A NIM.: 20105050072 Amelia Monica Rizi %O Pembimbing: Drs. Indal Abror M.Ag %T INTERPRETASI HADIS “..KAUM YANG TIDAK AKAN BERUNTUNG JIKA DIPIMPIN SEORANG PEREMPUAN” : TEORI MA'NA-CUM-MAGHZA %X Over time, it is important to conduct scientific studies capable of analyzing various contemporary problems according to the conditions of society. One of the topics that became the focus of debate in discussions on contemporary issues was the interpretation of hadith, especially hadith related to women's leadership. Although the hadith exists, there are still individuals who use it as an argument against women serving as leaders or chairmen. This is the case even though the Qur'anic verses and Hadith cannot be interpreted textually alone. This research explores the hadith understanding of women's leadership and contextualizes it in the contemporary era. The method used in this study is library research with a qualitative approach, by applying the theory of ma'anil hadith proposed by Sahiron, namely MA'NĀ--MAGZĀ, to understand the hadith of the Prophet. Researchers apply three stages, namely the excavation of historical meaning (al-ma'na al-tarikhi), historical phenomenal significance (Al-maghza al-tarikhi), and the construction of dynamic phenomenal significance. The results showed, first, that the hadith was intended for the Persian emperor only, because of the attitude and response of the prophet to the Persian Empire, namely kisra abrawaiz who did not want to worship Allah and tore up a letter from the prophet Muhammad. Secondly, the interpretation of the hadith shows that the meaning of this hadith is that women can be leaders as long as they meet the criteria as leaders, and this applies to men as well. Currently, the ability of women and men in the scientific field is considered equal, so women and men have equal rights. %K Kepemimpinan, Perempuan, Hadis %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65074