%A NIM.: 20105050104 Ali Tantowi %O Pembimbing: Dr. Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana, M.Sos %T TRADISI SALAT HADIAH DI DUSUN REMBAH DESA GALIS KECAMATAN GALIS KABUPATEN BANGKALAN %X In modern times like today, spiritual intelligence is considered crucial. Incidents of crime and criminal behavior persist over time in various regions, indicating the need for an enhancement in human character. One way to achieve this is through an increase in spirituality or religious practices. "Salat Hadiah" is a voluntary prayer performed with the intention of dedicating its rewards to the deceased. It can be performed individually or collectively and is specifically aimed at assisting or comforting the deceased in their graves. In response to this phenomenon, the author will examine the hadiths that underlie the community in Rembah in performing "Salat Hadiah" and explore the motivations behind it. This qualitative descriptive research takes place in the Rembah village in Bangkalan. To gather relevant data for the study, data collection involves observation in the Rembah village, interviews with key informants, and reviewing literature such as writings and books. The collected data is then analyzed using the living hadith method and Alfred Schutz's phenomenological approach. The research results in two main discussions. First, it reveals that the hadiths influencing the people of Rembah in performing "Salat Hadiah" are found in the book Nihayatu al-Zain, book Nuhzatul Majalis, Manuscripts written by figures from Rembah, and the book Hadiatul Ahya’ Ilal Amwati Wama Yasilu Ilaihim. Second, the people of Rembah engage in "Salat Hadiah" for various reasons, including following a Guru or Community Leader, aiding the deceased on their first night in the grave, reminding themselves of death, seeking rewards from "Salat Hadiah," and fulfilling social expectations. %K Salat Hadiah, Dusun Rembah, rujukan hadis, motif masyarakat, Living Hadis, Fenomenologi %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65076