%A NIM.: 20102010099 Moh. Arman Alfarizi %O Pembimbing: Mochammad Sinung Restendy, M.Sos. %T ANALISIS GAYA KOMUNIKASI USTADZ DENNIS LIM SETIAWAN (USTADZ KOH DENNIS) DALAM BERDAKWAH DI MEDIA SOSIAL TIKTOK %X Communication style is the way a person convey the message verbally and nonverbally to signal how true meaning should be understood. One that plays an important role in a person's image is his ability to communicate widely. The problem in this study is how the communication style of Ustadz Dennis Lim Setiawan in preaching on TikTok social media. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive, using Norton's communication style theory to reinforce the explanation in the analysis conducted. The results showed that the dominant communication style used by cleric Dennis Lim Setiawan in his TikTok video content was a relaxed style. Not only that, the communication styles used by him are, animated expressive, friendly style, open style, dominant style, attentive style, precise style, argumentative style and impression leaving. While communication styles that have not yet emerged are dramatic style. %K Gaya Komunikasi, Video TikTok, Ustadz Dennis Lim Setiawan (Ustadz Koh Dennis) %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65111