%A NIM.: 20102030029 Kharisma Nisa Pertiwi %O Pembimbing: Halimatus Sa’diyah, S.I.Kom, M.I.Kom %T PERAN KOMUNITAS SEKOLAH MARJINAL DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN PENDIDIKAN ANAK-ANAK MARGINAL DI KAWASAN BABARSARI, SLEMAN, DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA %X Poverty is the root of all problems that go beyond economic or resource issues. Poverty can be caused by an unequal social structure. Poverty is closely related to social inequality, so the level of fulfillment of human needs cannot be met. This is the background for the presence of marginalized communities. Marginalized communities are groups of lower-class people who are marginalized from development and the lives of other communities, so they often experience social discrimination. This is experienced by marginalized communities in the Babarsari area, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. They do not get a condition of welfare and independence in various aspects of life, especially education. Therefore, the Marginal School Community (KSM) was formed as a non-profit community that aims to open up access to formal and informal education for marginalized children in the Babarsari area, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. The purpose of this research is to describe the roles and stages of the Marginal School Community in carrying out educational empowerment for marginalized children in the Babarsari area, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as data analysis using triangulation. The results of the research show that the Marginal School Community plays a role as a bridge for government education programs, a driver of advocacy for the right to education, a provider of educational facilities, and a provider of informal education for marginalized children. The stages of educational empowerment carried out start from the engagement stage to the evaluation stage. This educational empowerment program has been able to spark the enthusiasm of children in receiving education, although it has not yet reached the stage of independence. However, in the process of educational empowerment, it has been quite capable of improving the cognitive aspect through the learning process of reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as the psychomotor aspect through character education and skills development. The educational empowerment by the Marginal School Community is considered successful in carrying out the goals of the community through the roles and stages they apply. %K Komunitas Sekolah Marjinal, Pemberdayaan, Pendidikan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65132