@article{digilib652, month = {February}, title = {PEMIKIRAN IBNU KHALDUN DAN SOSIOLOGI MODERN : KOMPARASI PEMIKIRAN IBNU KHALDUN, EMILE DURKHEIM, KARL MARX DAN MAX WEBER}, author = { MARFUAH SRI SANITYASTUTI}, publisher = {Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, year = {2009}, journal = {/Jurnal/Sosiologi Reflektif/Volume 1, No.2, April 2007/}, keywords = {Pemikiran Ibnu Khaldun, sosiologi, komparasi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/652/}, abstract = {Ibnu Khaldun ideas were pour in one of his book. {\~A}?{\^a}??{\r A}?Muqaddimah{\~A}?{\^a}??{\^A}? was written in 15 centuries that was translated in to many languages, include into Indonesian language. The thinking about society gave us knowledge when the Sociology was born in 19 centuries with {\~A}?{\^a}??{\^A}?the trinitas{\~A}?{\^a}??{\^A}? leader as (Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx and marx Weber ), in fact their ideas have been thought by Ibnu Khaldun before 400 years. Durkheim thinking the mechanics solidarity and the organics solidarity in the Ibnu Khaldun thought ashobiyah. Karl marx, thinking conflict was also thougt by Ibnu Khaldun with the functional conflict to races that{\~A}?{\^a}??{\^a}??s traveler in the desert. Marx Weber rasionalization studied in the philosophy of Ibnu Khaldun thingking as temporalistic-relativistic-materialistics are not reigion mixed in the social phenomena that knew, but in the spiritual is not understood by logic. The comparation above can open our heart and eyes with the social phenomena sharpen analysis by Ibnu Khaldun that{\~A}?{\^a}??{\^a}??s happened in the past time. Certainly, Ibnu Khaldun thinking has to be same with the others sosiologists were able to dominated by the sociology fact.} }