@phdthesis{digilib65461, month = {May}, title = {PENGARUH MOTIF PENGGUNAAN MEDIA YOUTUBE @KOKBISA TERHADAP PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN INFORMASI SAINS DAN EDUKASI SUBSCRIBERS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20107030120 Muhammad Rama Farma}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Lukman Nusa, M.I.Kom.}, keywords = {Youtube, Motives for Using Media, Information Needs, @KokBisa}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/65461/}, abstract = {According to the number of subscribers, currently the Youtube channel @KokBisa is the largest science and education platform in Indonesia. Kok Bisa is founded in 2015, since then, over the past 9 years, Kok Bisa has continued to upload educational content for its customers, which has reached more than 5,000,000 million subscribers. The inspiration for the birth of Kok Bisa was due to concerns about the lack of educational content in Indonesian media. This research examines the influence of motives for using Youtube @KokBisa on fulfilling customers' scientific and educational information needs by applying the Uses and Gratifications theory. This research uses a quantitative method with a purposive sampling technique through a questionnaire distributed to 100 subscribers of youtube channel @KokBisa as respondents. The research results show that every 1\% increase in the value of media use motives contributes to an increase in the fulfillment of information needs by 84.1\%. And the motive for using media contributes 36\% to fulfilling information needs, while 64\% is influenced by other variables that were not tested. These results emphasize the importance of @KokBisa as a source of scientific and educational information, as well as its implications in optimizing content and marketing strategies for digital information service providers.} }