%A NIM.: 17106080015 Fani Rismayanti %O Pembimbing: Dr. Muhammad Ja’far Luthfi, M.Si. %T KEANEKARAGAMAN ANGIOSPERMAE DI DESA WIDARAPAYUNG KULON KABUPATEN CILACAP DAN PENGEMBANGAN BOOKLETNYA SEBAGAI SUMBER BELAJAR BIOLOGI %X This research aims to determine the diversity of closed seed plants (angiosperms) in Widarapayung Kulon Village, determine the effect of using the diversity of closed seed plants (angiosperms) booklet on student learning activities, and determine the quality of the booklets developed. This research includes research and development (R&D) consisting of the research stage on the diversity of closed seed plants (angiosperms) in Widarapayung Kulon Village and the stage of developing a booklet on angiosperm plant diversity. In research on angiosperm plants, 62 species were found, which were divided into 3 classes, 24 orders and 39 families. The final result is printed media in the form of a booklet. The booklet was developed using the 4D method (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). This booklet is assessed using assessment instruments in the form of validation questionnaires, practicalization questionnaires, and student activity assessment sheets. The booklet quality assessment consisted of 1 design expert, 1 material expert, 1 language expert, 1 biology teacher and 37 class X students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Cilacap. The results of the assessment of the angiosperm plant diversity booklet in Widarapayung Kulon Village by the design expert got a score of 92.50% with very valid quality, the material expert got a score of 93.33% with very valid quality, the linguist got a score of 95.00% with very valid quality, biology teachers get a score of 3.70 with very practical quality, students get a score of 3.70 with very practical quality. The results of student observations during learning using booklets obtained a score of 71.00% with effective quality. %K Booklet, Desa Widarapayung Kulon, Keanekaragaman, Angiospermae, Sumber Belajar %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65466