@mastersthesis{digilib65521, month = {May}, title = {KESADARAN HUKUM BAGI PEKERJA TAMBANG GALIAN BATU ILEGAL DITINJAU DARI SOSIOLOGI HUKUM (STUDI KASUS DI DESA SANA TENGAH KECAMATAN PASEAN KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 22203011073 Moh. Kholilur Rahman, S.H.I}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Fathorrohman, S.Ag., M.Si.}, keywords = {Legal Awareness; Legal Culture; Mining Workers}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/65521/}, abstract = {This research began with researchers' interest in the proliferation of illegal mining in Indonesia. However, this research specifically focuses on the presence of illegal stone mining workers in Sana Tengah Village, which is increasing from year to year and then mining is mushrooming. This is one of the reasons for researchers to know and conduct research into the problems that make illegal mining increasingly mushroom. One of the focuses of this research is regarding the legal awareness of mining workers, why they choose to stay in illegal work. So that later this research will also analyze the reasons and factors that can change the level of legal behavior patterns (legal awareness) of illegal stone quarry workers. To be able to answer the problem of the question above, this research uses a sociological approach based on the theory of sociology of law and legal culture. The type of this research is field research with preliminary data from direct interviews with 10 mining workers from different mining teams in Sana Tengah Village. Apart from that, this research also collects secondary data obtained through articles, journals, theses and books related to research studies. Based on findings in the field, this research explains the reasons for the persistence of stone quarry workers; Firstly, for economic reasons, where the people of Sana Tengah Village are dependent on mining income to meet their daily needs. Second, for legal reasons, the community believes that mining permits are issued by the village government. Third, post-mining reasons, where workers or mining owners can use former mining areas as agricultural land. Apart from that, in the study of legal culture, mining workers have a pattern of wrong legal behavior, where processing mining permits is carried out through the village government, even though the authority to issue mining permits is regulated in Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Mineba. One thing that influences the legal behavior patterns of mine workers is social doctrine, which is why in the study of legal sociology here it is necessary for a group or person in society to establish the correct legal culture, apart from that there must be reciprocity between law and community culture, with the aim of each law made by the government cannot be separated from the moral values that live in society.} }