%A NIM.: 20104060022 Rosyifa Fatma Azzahra %O Pembimbing: Jamil Suprihatiningrum, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd.Si., Ph.D. %T PENGEMBANGAN MOBILE LEARNING MENGGUNAKAN WEBSITE KODULAR SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MATERI STRUKTUR ATOM %X The use of digital learning media is currently increasing. Teachers are required to master technological knowledge in order to be able to create and use this media. One application that is easy to use for creating digital learning media is mobile learning using a modular app creator that does not require coding. Through this research, the process and results of developing chemistry learning media for Atomic Structure material using mobile learning will be studied and at the same time analyzing the quality and functionality of the media. The 4D development model (define, design, develop, and disseminate) is used as a reference for product development. The resulting learning media has the characteristics of mobile learning, namely it is practical and can be used at any time. Chemistry learning media in the form of mobile learning has Very Good quality according to experts and teachers. Then, to find out the functionality of mobile learning, it can be seen after testing it on students and obtaining an ideal percentage of 96.5% or included in the Very Good category. Thus, mobile learning chemistry learning media using a code on Atomic Structure material is suitable for use in the learning process %K Atomic Structure, Mobile Learning, 4-D Model, Kodular %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65549