%A NIM.: 21204011053 Suhandi %O Pembimbing: Sibawaihi, S.Ag., M.Si., Ph.D. %T PENANAMAN NILAI-NILAI MODERASI BERAGAMA DAN WAWASAN KEBANGSAAN MELALUI PEMAHAMAN KITAB KUNING DI PESANTREN THOHIR YASIN KABUPATEN LOMBOK TIMUR %X Living in diversity is easy to causing conflict and discord. However, Thohir Yasin Islamic Boarding School can create a harmonious and peaceful life in diversity without any conflict or discord, in fact they really enjoy the diversity with a high tolerance, love their own culture and respect the culture of others. This study aims to describe the implementation of religious moderation values and nationality insight through understanding of kitab kuning. This research was a qualitative descrptive that used a field study approach. The population of this study were all over Thohir Yasin Islamic school people. The primer data comes from kiai, teachers who teachs Kitab Kuning and the students of Thohir Yasin Islamic boarding school. Mmeanwhile, the secondary data were taken from the documents related to the research focuses. Analysis data stated by Miles and Hubarman that is data reduction, data presentation, and withdrawal conclusion. The result of this study indicate that: (1) the implementation of religious moderation value through kitab kuning teach the students as well as get used to tolerance with many diversity, tawaṣṣutḥ principled and tasāmuh with all differences, tawāzun taught through hablu minallah and hablu minannas principles. Ta'adul values through traits that don't differentiate between every students from all circles, Shūra principles applied through every activities performed discussed and decided in a forum. For nationality insight, used to integralistic characteristic that make all become family, no group, respect each other and accept difference culture and others. The main factors that support the implementation of religious moderation and national insight value are the presence of teachers who are competent in their fields as well as several other supporting factors such as exemplary from kiai and all community of boarding school, students’ high motivation in learning kitab kuning and support from the completeness of facilities and infrastructure, whereas the inhibiting factor is the lack of the number of teaching staff who understand kitab kuning well and the students' difficulties in time management. %K Penanaman Nilai, Moderasi Beragama, Wawasan Kebangsaan, Kitab Kuning, %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65592