%A NIM.: 21304021002 A. Syahid Robbani %O Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Sugeng Sugiyono, M.A. dan Prof. Dr. Sigit Purnama, S.Pd.I., M.Pd %T IMERSI BAHASA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI (ANALISIS TECHNOLOGY-RICH LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS PERSPEKTIF CEFR) %X Language immersion as one of the best ways to learn a second language, is usually done by visiting a speaking country. However, socio-economic constraints often prevent students, so other alternatives are needed to implement language immersion that are more affordable. As a solution to these problems, the use of technology in language learning can replicate immersion language learning. This research aims to: 1) find a language immersion model in technology-rich Arabic language learning; 2) uncover patterns of interaction, authentic learning, and corrections in language immersion in technology-rich Arabic language learning; 3) reveal the supporting and inhibiting factors for language immersion in technology-rich Arabic language learning; and 4) measuring the level of students' speaking skills in language immersion in technology-rich Arabic language learning at Al-Azhar Islamic Middle School Cairo Yogyakarta from the CEFR perspective This research is qualitative research with a case study type. Researchers collected data using observation, interview and documentation techniques. Researchers conducted non-participatory observation by following the learning process directly in classes VIII and IX. Interviews were conducted with eight students, one Arabic teacher and the school principal. The data collected was then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model data analysis technique which consists of data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. In testing the validity of the data, researchers used technical triangulation, source triangulation, and time triangulation. Researcher discovered a technology rich-based language immersion model that requires a balance between language, content, and technology. In this immersion model, technology acts as a medium and also a source of language input for students. The teacher takes the role of facilitator, corrector and validator. Technology-based language immersion is then implemented through varied learning strategies using project-based learning approach. To strengthen this technology rich-based language immersion, the school designs various language programs and activities in order to increase students' immersion in Arabic starting from Arabic matriculation, Super Arabic, Language Festival, Language Ambassador, Fun Skill Hour, Personal Project, Arabic Speech, until language day. The implementation of technology rich-based language immersion at Al-Azhar Cairo Islamic Middle School Yogyakarta is also in line with the national education program, the Project for Strengthening the Pancasila Student Profile (P5) and differentiated learning as a characteristic of the implementation of technology-rich language immersion in Indonesia Researchers also found various supporting and inhibiting factors as well as challenges faced by teachers in technology rich-based language immersion. Finally, the results of measuring students' speaking skills in technology-based language immersion from the CEFR perspective are at level A1. This research provides theoretical contributions related to technology rich-based language immersion models as an alternative implementation of language immersion. Furthermore, to increase exposure to Arabic and enriching technology with Arabic, the school can create a policy for students to use Arabic as interface language on technological devices (iPad), applications, or websites used in learning at certain conditions or times. In addition, CEFR can be used as a reference in technology-based language immersion in order to provide more targeted exposure to Arabic to students. %K Technology-Rich Learning Environments, Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab, Strategi Pembelajaran, Pengelolaan Kelas %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65595