%A NIM.: 22204011010 Rafiqah Dwi Rahmah %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud Arif, M. Ag. %T KONSEP KESEIMBANGAN DIRI SEBAGAI SELF-HEALING DALAM PEMIKIRAN BUYA HAMKA %X Based on a national survey in 2017 as many as 63% of people feel worried, half more than the rest who do not feel worried about their lives. The condition of the soul and feelings is left unchecked, over time it will affect the physical condition of humans because they are interrelated Even if these feelings are left unchecked, over time it will affect the physical condition of humans because they are interrelated. Researchers saw that Buya Hamka offered a cure for the sick soul, because mental health is like body health. This research aims to: 1) Know how the concept of self-balance as self-healing in Buya Hamka thought; 2) Knowing why Buya Hamka has the concept of self-balance thinking as Self-Healing; 3) Knowing the relevance of the concept of self-balance as self-healing in Buya Hamka's thinking in the current era. 4) knowing the implementation of the concept of self-balance as self-healing in Islamic religious education. The type of research used is library research. The primary data sources used in this study are Modern Sufism Book by Prof. DR Hamka published in 2015, Life Reminiscence Book by Buya Hamka and Tafsir Al-Azhar by Hamka. The secondary data that the researcher used was the novel "Hamka" by Ahmad Fuadi which was explained using a qualitative approach that was descriptive. Data collection using documentation techniques as well as reading and recording with discourse analysis techniques to explore the value contained in the book under study. The results of the study showed that there is a soul medicine consisting of four virtues on the concept of self-balance as self-healing in Buya Hamka's thought, namely syaja'ah, 'iffah, hikmah, and 'adâlah. The influence of the thoughts of figures behind the concept of self-balance in the view of Buya Hamka such as Al-Ghazali, Jamaluddin Al-Dimsaqy and Ibn Maskawaih. In addition, motor skills, mental intelligence, motivation and self-figure models in Buya Hamka also influenced his way of thinking. The relevance of the concept of self-balance as self-healing can be done by means of forgiveness, positive self-talk and self-management. Its implementation in Islamic religious education can be done by preparing the readiness of educators, their approach, curriculum content and evaluation as part of determining learning success. The contribution of this research is expected to be a solution and a way for humans to deal with emotional instability in the current era. %K Konsep Keseimbangan Diri, Self-Healing, Pemikiran Buya Hamka %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65596