@mastersthesis{digilib65601, month = {March}, title = {PENGARUH KETERLIBATAN ORANG TUA DAN STRATEGI MENGAJAR GURU TERHADAP KEAKTIFAN SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN PAI SD NEGERI 021 SUNGAI KUNJANG SAMARINDA}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 22204011046 Syiraz Rozaky Bimagfiranda}, year = {2024}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. Mahmud Arif, M.Ag}, keywords = {Keterlibatan Orang Tua, Strategi Mengajar Guru, Keaktifan Siswa}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/65601/}, abstract = {This research aims to: 1) Analyze support for pa rental involvement in student activity in PAI lea rnin g. 2) Analyze t he teacher's teaching strat egies for student activity in PAI learning. 3) Analyzing student activity in PAI learning. 4) Analyze the influence of parent involvement and teacher teaching st rategi es on studen t activity in PAI learning at S D Ne geri 021 Sungai Kunjang Samarinda. This ty pe of research is descriptive research using a quantitative approach. The population of this research was all students in grades I VI, totaling 669 students. The resea rch sample w as 60 students taken using purp osiv e sampling tech nique from classes I VI. Da ta collection was obtained through questionnaires, observations and interviews. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis tests and multiple linear regression test s. The research re sults show that: 1) Support for par ental involveme nt in student activity in P AI learning with a sample of 60 out of 669 active populations, has a medium category of 41.7\% and a low category of 58.3\%. One of the causes is the lack of paren tal in volvement in PAI learning. 2) Teachers' tea chin g strategies fo r student activity in PAI l earning with a sample of 60 out of 669 active populations, had a medium category of 93.3\% and a low category of 6.7\%. One of the causes is the way teachers teach which tends to be monotonous and boring. 3) Stud ent activity in onl ine learning at SD Negeri 0 21 Samarinda with a sample of 60 out of 669 active populations, has a high student activity category, namely 100\%. One of the things that causes high student act ivity is that stud ents often ask questions during PAI learning. 4) I n this research, there is a significant influence between parental involvement and teacher teaching strategies on student activity in PAI learning. After the researcher carried out data pr ocessi ng, the hypo thesis test was 0.000. A signif ican ce value of les s than 0.05 means that ther e is a significant influence on the variables Parental Involvement and Teacher Teaching Strategies on Student Activeness in PAI Learning.} }