%A NIM.: 20106030031 Hanifiya Samha %O Pembimbing: Ika Qurrotul Afifah, M.Si. %T PENGARUH VARIASI LAMA PERENDAMAN MENGGUNAKAN ASAM FOSFAT TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK GELATIN DARI TULANG KELINCI NEW ZEALAND WHITE (Oryctolagus cuniculus) %X The fulfillment of gelatin needs for various industries in Indonesia still relies on imports from other countries. Commercial gelatin is generally made from pig and bovine materials, which can pose religious issues for Hindus and Muslims. In this study the isolation and characterization of gelatin from the bones of New Zealand White rabbits were performed, which has the potential to be an alternative source for halal gelatin. This research aimed to analyze the characteristic amide group absorption of gelatin in the Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) spectrum of the isolated gelatin from New Zealand White rabbit bones and to determine the effect of different soaking times on the yield and characteristics of the gelatin. In the pre-treatment process, sample was soaked using a 9% phosphoric acid solution for 48, 96, and 144 hours. The gelatin is then extracted at gradual temperatures for 12 hours. The characterization process involved analyzing functional groups, water content, ash content, pH, and protein content. FTIR spectroscopy analysis showed typical absorption bands of gelatin functional groups including amide A, amide I, amide II, and amide III. The results indicated that the soaking time significantly affected the yield, pH, ash content, and protein content of the gelatin produced, but did not significantly affect the water content. The yield of gelatin from New Zealand White rabbit bones ranges from 4.08-6.56%. The water content of the gelatin is between 6.96-7.05%, and the pH value is 3.61-3.98. Both parameters meet the gelatin quality standards. However, the ash content of gelatin from New Zealand White rabbit bones, which ranges from 6.86-9.29%, does not meet the gelatin quality standards according to SNI 06-3735-1995 and GMIA 2012. The protein content of the rabbit bone gelatin, which is not regulated in the quality standards, ranges from 75.46-83.37%. The longer the soaking time, the higher the yield and protein content of the resulting gelatin, while the ash content decreases. %K Gelatin, Tulang Kelinci New Zealand White, Lama Perendaman, Asam Fosfat. %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65656