%A NIM.: 20106060006 Cucu Tiara %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ir. Ira Setyaningsih, S.T., M.Sc, IPM, ASEAN Eng %T PENDEKATAN LEAN SIX SIGMA UNTUK MEMINIMASI PEMBOROSAN (WASTE) PADA PROSES PRODUKSI PRODUK FACIAL WASH GOLD NRL (STUDI KASUS: PT. ENEREL KOSMETIKA BIOTECH) %X This research aims to identify and determine waste in the production process of NRL gold facial wash products at PT. Enerel Cosmetika Biotech to provide suggestions so that the company can minimize it. This research includes qualitative and quantitative descriptive research using the lean six sigma approach analysis model which is used to estimate the severity of a problem using detailed and structured information such as: define, measure, analyze and improve. Data was collected using observation, interviews, literatur study and documentation methods. The object of this research is the cosmetic production process from the process of selecting ingredients to becoming the finished product. To identify waste, this research was carried out in the secondary packaging department. The results of this research show that of the three causal factors the most influential is the RPN value with defects of 150, waiting of 119 and excess processing of 84. So defects are the most critical waste, this is caused by a lack of supervision from quality control during the barcode printing process with the RPN value is 72, there is a lack of expert maintenance in the field with an RPN value of 30 and the inspection method is carried out by sampling with an RPN value of 48. Priority improvements must be made to this type of waste by providing socialization, carrying out routine maintenance and carrying out more thorough observations. , and it is known that the sigma defect value in the secondary packaging department is 2.74 and the PCE value obtained from the VSM analysis results is 13,5%, where this value is of course still very low, therefore it is necessary to take corrective action %K Lean Six Sigma, Waste, Facial Wash Gold NRL, PCE, Kemas Sekunder. %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65679