%A NIM.: 19103050093 Amalia Syafina Afia %O Pembimbing: Bustanul Arifien Rusydi, M.H. %T PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI KORBAN KEKERASAN DALAM PERKAWINAN SIRI (STUDI KASUS DI P2TP2A REKSO DYAH UTAMI YOGYAKARTA) %X Domestic violence that occurs in the household environment must receive special protection by Law Enforcement Officials guided by Law No. 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. However, regulations regarding Domestic Violence are still widespread among the community, this is reinforced by the existence of domestic violence where the victim and perpetrator are in an unregistered marriage, one of which occurred at the Rekso Dyah Women's and Children's Empowerment Integrated Service Center Office Rekso Dyah Utami Yogyakarta.Rekso Dyah Utami received reports regarding the violence received by the victim but the victim's marital status was an unregistered marriage, however Rekso Dyah Utami continues to provide legal protection for the victim, this is not in line with the Law on the Elimination of Domestic Violence which only regulates domestic violence. legal marriage in the State. Therefore, this research aims to reveal the legal protection carried out by Rekso Dyah Utami in cases of violence in Siri marriages. This research uses field research methods by exploring data directly in the field. This research is also descriptive analytical in nature with a juridical research approach, normative empirical with primary data sources coming from interviews at the P2TP2A Rekso Dyah Utami Office, and secondary data results coming from books, journals, theses and others. The results of this research show that Rekso Dyah Utami protects the rights of victims of violence in unregistered marriages using the legal basis of Law No. 13 of 2006 concerning Protection of Witnesses and Victims. Rekso Dyah Utami seeks to provide legal protection for victims of violence and also provides post-case services by carrying out rehabilitation and training for victims. This is a form of benefit that will be built, namely in the form of protection of human rights, especially wives and children, so that they can regain their civil rights. %K Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga, Perkawinan Siri, Perlindungan Hukum Korban Kekerasan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65699