%0 Journal Article %A MOCHAMAD SODIK, %D 2009 %F digilib:657 %I Perpustakaan UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta %J /Jurnal/Sosiologi Reflektif/Volume 1, No.2, April 2007/ %K Kuasa fiqh, arabisme, hegemoni-dominasi, kelompok sensitif dan lemah, sikap profetik %T SOSIOLOGI PEMBERDAYAAN FIKIH : MENEGUHKAN PERSPEKTIF INTERKONEKSITAS %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/657/ %X The presence of new paradigm in reading fiqh isn’t always welcomed friendly, considering that fiqh has had it’s own paradigm and metodological superiority that taken care by its devotees. Actually, paradigmatical superiority isn’t the monopoly of fiqh, but also various other studies, including ‘secular’ sciences. The difference is, that ‘secular’ sciences are easier in accepting academical falcification, comparing with Fiqh sciences. Historically, fiqh has a long historical product of human being that preserved by ulama institution and often also by the regime of power. Fiqh isn’t just a scientific book, but a guidance of human’s life that standardized and preservated from time to time and place to place. As the product of time, fiqh is well dominated by arabic aroma, which is than transfered to Indonesia without any significance changes. Fiqh gets institutional justification through formal or nonformal religious institutions. Althought undeniable, most of those institutions have obtained academical enlightenment, at least them, the actors inside whose heart and logical reasoning motivated to effort and act critically to ‘the purity of fiqh’ which tend to be elitic and less responsive to the weak and sensitive groups, for instance the women, the disabled and the poor. Actually, fiqh isn’t as dry as its critic’s imagine, because its study always accompanied by fiqh principle study and humanis ushul fiqh. But unfortunately, as fiqh moving to the axiological area, the humanis spirit seems weaker, blocked by the various primordial interests. Basically, interest fraxis is a natural phenomenon in academical world, moreover Law Politic area. But the problem is, as these interests don’t get equal partners in interest dialogs, the out come isn’t democratic spirit but domination and hegemony. The product is dominative or hegemonic fiqh, not democratic or profetic fiqh. Being stimulated by these atmospheres, it’s needed the sociology of powering fiqh which is friendly and responsive to the women, the disabled and the poor. The confirmation of powering fiqh is a profetic attitude must be done, in order to make fiqh of Indonesian sect isn’t restrained by the arabism, logoncentrism and tyranny.