%A NIM.: 20103050004 Muhammad Haidar Nabil %O Pembimbing: Ahmad Syaifudin Anwar, M.H. %T PRAKTIK POLIGAMI SIRI: STUDI ANALISIS FILM SURGA YANG TAK DIRINDUKAN PERSPEKTIF MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI HUKUM KELUARGA ISLAM FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %X Movia is a mass communication media that has functions and roles in society such as a source of knowledge that provides information and means of socialisation, as well as inheritance of values, norms and culture. In relation to Islamic family law, films are also included as educational media. The film Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan, released in 2015, is one of the movies that examines the issue of family law, especially polygamy. The academic problem that comes to the surface is that the concept of polygamy shown in the film is not in accordance with the applicable rules, namely siri polygamy and the reasons for polygamy are not normatively justified, because films should be educational media, not just entertainment media. To answer this problem, the research analyses how the views of students of the Islamic Family Law study program on the practice of siri polygamy, as well as the factors behind their views. The opinions of students from the study programme were chosen because they were considered relevant to discussing related issues. It was also mentioned that the HKI study programme from UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, which is accredited UNGGUL, can be an illustration of the thoughts of students in this era. This type of research is field research with an empirical juridical approach. This research is descriptive analytical, and uses master narrative theory as an analytical knife. This research uses primary data sources, namely from students of the Family Law study programme of UIN Sunan Kalijag and secondary data sources in the form of library materials. The collection technique in this research is by sending a questionnaire to students of the Islamic Family Law study programme and literature. Based on the results of data analysis, this research produces several findings. First, the views of the students of the Islamic Family Law study programme on the practice of underhand polygamy in the movie Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan are divided into two groups, namely the pro-underhand polygamy group and the contra-polygamy group. Second, the views expressed by the respondents were motivated by several reasons or factors that were classified into several clusters, namely; rules, interaction, equality, protection, and personal influence. %K Poligami Siri, Film Surga Yang Tak Dirindukan, Poligami %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65730