%A NIM.: 17105050005 Muhammad Azhar %O Pembimbing: Dadi Nurhaedi, S.Ag., M.Si. %T RESEPSI HADIS MEMANAH DI PONDOK PESANTREN DARURROHMAH KERTASARI KABUPATEN CIREBON %X The hadiths regarding archery as an advice by the Prophet are considered by some groups are no longer relevant. In fact, at the Darurrohmah Islamic Boarding School, archery training is a mandatory activity for students through the extracurricular activity archery training. This research aimed to understand comprehensively how the reception and adaptation of archery recommended hadiths in the extracurricular practice of archery training at the Darurrohmah Kertasari Islamic Boarding School, Cirebon Regency. The practice of archery training is a social action which in Talcott Parson’s perspective is considered a form of adaptation that is intertwined with goals, integration functions, and the operation of latent patterns of behaviour. This research was carried out using a phenomenological study combined with the living hadith approach. This research was based on the form of field research combined with the literature research. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and document study. Data analysis was carried out using interactive analysis from Mills & Huberman with procedures: data reduction, data display, verification, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that: 1) Adaptation of hadiths recommending archery at the Darurrohmah Islamic Boarding School is a form of active transformation of the relationship between cultural perceptions and modernity, aimed at achieving the goodness of archery hadiths, as a form of social integration in the Islamic boarding school environment, whose latent pattern emulate the Prophet. Adaptations include: adaptation of archery facilities, adaptation of the archery training process, and adaptation of archery training functions; and 2) Reception of hadiths: archery is accepted and believed to be authentic hadiths and is still relevant in the context of the times, regarded as a form of sunnah sport that configurate the physical and mental strength of students, as a game that is approved by Allah, as a way to love the Prophet SAW, and as a religious defence and state defence training model. Extracurricular archery teachers and trainers play a role in transmitting archery traditions through studies, extracurricular training, and archery competition activities, as well as a study introduction period for new students. Living hadith’s research on archery hadiths is very useful to confirm the need to implement archery as a sunnah sport which not only has the dimension of building physical strength, but also has a mental-spiritual dimension. %K Hadis; memanah; resepsi; pondok pesantren %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65754