%A NIM.: 20103060031 Ayu Putri Zahara %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Susiknan Azhari, M.A. %T UJI AKURASI X-BLIND QIBLA DENGAN STANDAR GOOGLE EARTH %X The issue of determining the Qibla direction is becoming increasingly important in the contemporary context. Facing the Qibla is one of the essential requirements in prayer, and therefore it is crucial to be able to determine the precise direction. Many people still have difficulty in determining the Qibla direction, both individually and collectively. In response to this, various instruments have been developed to assist in this process, including manual and digital-based tools such as Google Earth and Qibla compasses. In addition, there are other innovative tools, one of which is the X-Blind Qibla, which is based on a modified compass with the addition of sound elements (buzzer). In this case, the author attempts to examine the accuracy of the X-Blind Qibla with the standarization used, namely the Google Earth calibrator based on a sample of mosques that can be categorised into two distinct typologies: those that point precisely to the Qibla and those that point to the West. In reviewing this matter, the research method employed by the author is a qualitative method with a focus on field research and an experimental approach. The data collection techniques employed include observation, interviews, and documentation. The data obtained will be explained using a descriptive-comparative method. Additionally, the author will be analyzed this based on spherical trigonometry theory and magnetic correction theory. Comparatively, the research found that the X-Blind Qibla deviates with an average value around 1˚ 16' from the measurements taken by Google Earth. The factors that influenced this deviation were attributed to the effect of a large magnetic field, which also had an impact on the performance of the tool, particularly on the movement of the compass magnetic needle. Therefore, the results have been adjusted by the magnetic declination correction value for the Yogyakarta region, which is 0˚ 38'. It can be concluded that this deviation can still be tolerated if the reference for facing the Qibla is the country of Saudi Arabia. This means that the device can be utilised in individual worship practices despite its current lack of precision. %K Arah Kiblat, X-Blind Qibla, Google Earth %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65766