%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Raihan Faiz Irmanutama, NIM.: 20103060042 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2024 %F digilib:65769 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Transaksi Jual-Beli, Game Online, Az-Zari’ah %P 113 %T KEABSAHAN TRANSAKSI ANAK DI BAWAH UMUR DALAM PEMBELIAN MATA UANG GAME ONLINE (STUDI PERBANDINGAN KITAB UNDANG-UNDANG HUKUM PERDATA DAN KOMPILASI HUKUM EKONOMI SYARI’AH) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/65769/ %X The development of modern technology has resulted in buying and selling transactions being carried out without the need for the seller and buyer to meet directly. Buyers simply view the items they need through the digital catalog provided by the seller. In buying and selling game currency online, resellers act as sellers of online game currency which makes it easier for buyers to top up. This phenomenon makes minors vulnerable to purchasing online game currency without parental supervision. In Article 1320 of the Civil Code and Article 23 of KHES, the legal conditions for a subjective sale and purchase agreement must be legally competent. The transaction's validity has legal consequences for buyers who are still minors. This thesis wants to answer the legal status of these transactions according to the Civil Code and KHES and the comparison of the Civil Code and KHES is reviewed using the aż-żarī'ah concept. This thesis is a juridical-normative legal research and is a comparative analysis. This research uses a statutory approach and a comparative approach. The data collection technique is through secondary data, namely the Civil Code and KHES. The theoretical framework used in this research is the aż-żarī'ah theory. Meanwhile, this research analysis adapts it to the established research approach, namely using a statutory approach and a comparative approach. The results of this research indicate that the legal status of buying and selling online game currency carried out by minors based on the Civil Code and KHES of these transactions does not meet the subjective requirements of an agreement. The transaction can be canceled by one of the parties who feel disadvantaged or dishonest. However, this legal weakness can be corrected through pardon or obtaining guardianship from parents. Meanwhile, the comparison between the Civil Code and KHES is viewed from the perspective of sadd aż-żarī'ah, minors are prohibited from carrying out such transactions because there is a law of wrongdoing and exploitation by unscrupulous sellers unless they receive guardianship from their parents. Meanwhile, judging from the fatḥ aż-żarī'ah, it is permissible for minors to carry out these transactions through or with permission from their parents because there is a provision for the benefit of both the seller and the buyer %Z Pembimbing: Mu’tashim Billah, S.H.I., M.H.