%A NIM.: 20108040060 Khoirul Muthoharoh %O Pembimbing: Galuh Tri Pambekti, S.E.I., M.E.K., CRMP. %T PENGARUH RISIKO KEUANGAN DAN KECUKUPAN MODAL TERHADAP KINERJA KEUANGAN BANK UMUM KONVENSIONAL DAN SYARIAH DI INDONESIA PERIODE 2019-2022 %X This research aims to empirically prove the influence of financial risk consisting of liquidity risk, credit risk, market risk and operational risk as well as capital adequacy on the financial performance of conventional and sharia commercial banks in the period 2019 to 2022. This research uses a sampling technique in the form of purposive sampling and panel data models, so that the data obtained was 412 data and then processed using Eviews 12. Market risk and operational risk have an influence on financial performance, but liquidity risk, credit risk and capital adequacy have no influence on financial performance. This research has implications for developing more effective risk management strategies and optimizing financial performance in banking %K Risiko Keuangan, Kecukupan Modal, Kinerja Keuangan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65913