%A NIM.: 20104090075 Silviana Siswanda %O Pembimbing: Dr. Rohmatun Lukluk Isnaini, M.Pd.I %T SRATEGI KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH PEREMPUAN DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KINERJA GURU DI SD NEGERI SOKOWATEN BARU BANTUL YOGYAKARTA %X Leadership is always synonymous with the role of a man, even in the world of education. Compared to the number of male leaders in Indonesia, the number of female leaders is still relatively small. As a leader, the principal certainly has strategies that can improve the low performance of a teacher. The success of students and educational institutions is influenced by high teacher performance, while the unsatisfactory quality of students and educational institutions is influenced by low teacher performance. The aim of this research is to determine the leadership strategy of female principals in developing teacher performance at Sokowaten Baru Yogyakarta State Elementary School and the supporting and inhibiting factors of the principal's strategy. This research is a type of qualitative case study research. Researchers used data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observation and documentation studies. In analyzing data, researchers carry out data reduction, data presentation, as well as drawing conclusions and verification. Meanwhile, in testing the validity of the data, researchers used source triangulation and technical triangulation. There were 11 informants in this study consisting of 1 school principal and 10 teachers. The results of the research show that there are seven strategies carried out by school principals in developing teacher performance, namely: (1) through coaching teacher performance by involving teachers in training activities held by the government and various agencies, (2) conducting supervision/supervision of teachers in mastery and classroom management by checking and supervising teachers in teaching and learning in class, (3) fostering teacher discipline by monitoring teacher attendance every day through morning roll call, and checking attendance, (4) Conveying motivation, (5) appreciating teacher performance for their dedication and achievement, (6) facilitating learning media by controlling and providing facilities that support learning assessment activities, (7) providing flexibility in the use of learning methods. The supporting factors are four complete school facilities, a relevant level of education and adequate teacher experience, adequate educational supervision and training. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are a lack of understanding of each student's abilities and difficulty adjusting the curriculum and learning implementation plans in teaching and learning activities in the classroom. %K Kepala Sekolah, Kepemimpinan Perempuan, Kinerja Guru, Strategi Kepemimpinan %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib65949