relation: title: EFEKTIVITAS BIMBINGAN PERKAWINAN DI LEMBAGA KEAGAMAAN NON FORMAL DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KESIAPAN MEMBANGUN KELUARGA SAKINAH (STUDI LEMBAGA DEEN ACADEMY) creator: Miftakhul Hidayah, NIM.: 20103050070 subject: 297.577 Hukum Keluarga Islam, Bimbingan Pernikahan, Poligami, Perceraian, Iddah, Pengasuhan Anak) description: Marriage is the union of two people of different genders in a bond that is legal both nationally and religiously. Marriage is something that is worth half the worship. However, when carrying out worship we are required to be ready both physically and mentally so that perfection can be fulfilled in the worship. Likewise with marriage, it must be prepared well and thoroughly. It cannot be denied that when carrying out a marriage, a husband and wife will face many problems or conflicts. How to face and find solutions to various problems in marriage is what couples must prepare well for the noble goal of marriage, namely achieving a sakinah family. Marriage guidance is provided by the government to help prospective couples or young people of marriageable age understand the science of marriage. However, nowadays there are many institutions or organizations that provide marriage guidance in the form of pre-marital classes or schools. This research is field research conducted at the Deen Academy institution. By implementing descriptive analytical research, which describes the research object through data in narrative form. With theoretical analysis of the legal system. This research uses an empirical legal approach which examines and examines every legal activity in society by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. The results of this research show that Deen Academy's pre-marriage classes have been implemented well in accordance with the Deen Academy syllabus or curriculum. Deen Acaedmy's pre-wedding class, especially the intensive class "Halal Shawwal with Yourself", can be said to be not effective enough in terms of the theoretical elements of the legal system. However, it is enough to provide participants with readiness in building a sakinah family by getting material not only about munakahat jurisprudence but also getting material about marriage issues or problems that are currently being widely discussed and discussed. In this case, the Deen Academy institution has indirectly helped the government to lighten the responsibility of providing education and scientific insight into marriage to the community. date: 2024 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Miftakhul Hidayah, NIM.: 20103050070 (2024) EFEKTIVITAS BIMBINGAN PERKAWINAN DI LEMBAGA KEAGAMAAN NON FORMAL DALAM MEWUJUDKAN KESIAPAN MEMBANGUN KELUARGA SAKINAH (STUDI LEMBAGA DEEN ACADEMY). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.