relation: title: FENOMENA CHILDFREE DI INDONESIA PERSPEKTIF EKSISTENSIALISME JEAN PAUL SARTRE creator: Kamilah Fauziyyah Abubakar, NIM.: 20105010061 subject: 100 Filsafat description: This research explores the concept of childfree in Indonesia through the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism. The background of this study is the rampant debate related to childfree on social media due to the strong influence of globalization currents that bring liberal thinking, contrary to the dominant pronatalist views in Indonesian society. The problem of the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia cannot be separated from the influence of religion and culture of Indonesian society. Religion and culture govern various aspects of people's lives including the presence of children in a family. This contradicts Jean Paul Sartre's existentialism which says that every individual has the right to be free without being bound by moral, religious and cultural values. This research is formulated in the form of research questions as follows: (1) What is the paradigm of the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia?, (2) How is the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism. So this study aims to: (1) To understand the paradigm of the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia, (2) To understand how Jean Paul Sartre's existentialism explains the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia. This research uses library research method with qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques include literature studies and internet searching, as well as in-depth analysis of information obtained from data sources on the concept of childfree in Indonesia and Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism. The primary data sources used are YoutTube books, articles, journals and content relevant to the topic of childfree in Indonesia as well as books written by Jean-Paul Sartre, namely "Existentialism and Humanism" and "Being and Nothingness". And secondary data are obtained from books, journals, mass media, and various previous studies related to related titles. Data processing techniques used include, description, interpretation and historical continuity. The results obtained from this study, it can be seen that first, the paradigm of the childfree phenomenon in Indonesia is influenced by internal factors, namely financial conditions, physical and mental health, and external factors, namely the influence of community leaders, the pressure of cultural norms and religious norms on this phenomenon. Second, through this research, it can be known that the phenomenon of childfree in Indonesia shows that individuals take an active role in determining the fate and meaning of their own lives despite many conflicts related to childfree. Community response and social pressure, including negative comments on social media, leave childfree individuals facing the dilemma of resolving their decisions and accepting negative conservative questions. Such pressures can affect an individual's freedom to make authentic decisions. date: 2024-05-27 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Kamilah Fauziyyah Abubakar, NIM.: 20105010061 (2024) FENOMENA CHILDFREE DI INDONESIA PERSPEKTIF EKSISTENSIALISME JEAN PAUL SARTRE. Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.