%A NIM.: 22205011020 Agustina %O Pembimbing: Dr. Alim Roswantoro, M. Ag selaku %T PENGALAMAN KEAGAMAAN JAMAAH NGAJI FILSAFAT MASJID JENDRAL SUDIRMAN YOGYAKARTA %X Studying philosophy has become a new trend in innovating approaches to religious studies. This phenomenon is grounded in the capability of philosophical inquiry to address societal questions about religion in a simple and easily understandable manner. Philosophical studies not only serve as a means to fulfill intellectual needs but also evidently impart profound religious experiences and meaning in life. Stemming from this background, this research aims to comprehend the religious experiences of attendees of philosophical study gatherings and elucidate the implications of these experiences on their sense of purpose. This study utilizes a qualitative method, specifically field research, to directly understand the concealed experiences of attendees. The data collection techniques employed include participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data processing is carried out through stages of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Subsequently, the data are analyzed using the religious experience theories of William James and Muhammad Iqbal. Emphasis is placed on the issues of inner drives and emotional feelings experienced by attendees of philosophical study within the religious context. The research findings are as follows. Firstly, the religious experiences encountered by attendees after participating in philosophical study include: 1) Profound spiritual strength, wherein attendees feel the presence of God and closeness to Him in every activity. 2) Inner peace, as understanding philosophical material brings tranquility and happiness to attendees. 3) Serenity of the soul, as philosophical study aids attendees in living better and more positively; furthermore, attendees also experience awe when absorbing the teachings of philosophical study and applying them in life. Secondly, the implications of religious experiences on the sense of purpose for attendees of philosophical study include: 1) Compliance with divine decrees, as attendees remain obedient to these decrees but with a profound rational understanding to avoid blind obedience that may weaken faith. 2) Philosophy study results in a change in attendees' perspectives and attitudes towards philosophy, wherein initial negative views transform into positive appreciation; through philosophical study, attendees can think rationally and critically. 3) Engaging in philosophical study activities brings tangible positive impacts on the morality and philosophical awareness of attendees, fostering broader thinking and cultivating wise behavior. %K Pengalaman Keagamaan, Jamaah, Ngaji Filsafat, Makna Hidup %D 2024 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66059