@phdthesis{digilib66123, month = {August}, title = {THE TRANSLATION OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN TAUFIQ ISMAIL?S POEMS BY JOHN H. MCGLYNN}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19101050033 Putri Cahya Andriani}, year = {2023}, note = {Pembimbing: Dwi Margo Yuwono, M.Hum.}, keywords = {analysis; figurative language; translation strategy; translation equivalence}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66123/}, abstract = {nslate the figurative language, and to find out how the figurative translation deal with equivalence in translation in six poems by Taufiq Ismail entitled Trem Berklenengan di Kota San Francisco, Sapi Daging Peternakan Brenton, Pantun Terang Bulan di Midwest, Adakah Suara Cemara, Bulan, and Malam Sebelum Badai that are translated into The Clatter of Cable Cars in San Francisco, The Brenton Stockyards, Full Moon in the Midwest, Is It the Sound of Pines, The Moon, and The Night Before Storm by John H. McGlynn. This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method. The researcher finds 60 data of figurative language in the Taufiq Ismail's poems. The figurative languages are 18 metonymies, 18 personifications, 14 metaphors, 5 similes, 3 hyperboles, 1 synecdoche, and 1 paradox. The researcher divided the 60 data into 3 categories of translation strategies, and discovers that the most dominant strategy is to substitute the figurative language of source language with the figurative language of target language with 50 data. Last, there are two categories of equivalence, namely formal and dynamic. The researcher discovers that the translation figurative language dominantly consists dynamic equivalence with 40 data, which means besides preserving the sense of figurativeness from the original poems, the translator concerns more with the language naturalness of the translation results. The reader from TL are allowed to experiences the figurative languages as faithful as possible while reading the Taufiq Ismail poems translated by John H. McGlynn. The researcher suggests the next researchers who are also interested in this study to use other theories of figurative language translation strategy and use other object, such as novels and short stories that contain more figurative language.} }