%A NIM.: 16140122 Efendi Abdillah %O Pembimbing: Dr. Syifaun Nafisah, S.T., MT. %T PERAN DINAS PERPUSTAKAAN DAN KEARSIPAN KABUPATEN TEMANGGUNG DALAM MENINGKATKAN BUDAYA LITERASI MASYARAKAT %X The purpose of this study to determine the role of the Library and Archives Office of Temanggung Regency in improving community literacy culture. The role is seen through the work program and activities held by the Library and Archives Office of Temanggung Regency for the community. As well as to find out the obstacles and provide solutions for the Temanggung District Library and Archives Office in an effort to improve the community's literacy culture. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data collection method in this study uses the Miles and Huberman theory, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. In testing the validity of the data using source tringulation, technique tringulation, time tringulation and membercheck. The results in this study are that the Library and Archives Office of Temanggung Regency plays a role in improving the culture of community literacy through various work programs and activities including: Library outings, library assistance, competitions, Mendoan (Storytelling of Temanggung Children) and Book Bazaar. The obstacles faced by the Library and Archives Office of Temanggung Regency in improving the community's literacy culture include: promotional strategies that have not been maximized, lack of public awareness of reading interest and the availability of facilities, infrastructure that is not complete and the Covid-19 pandemic. The solution for the Library and Archives Office of Temanggung Regency to anticipate these obstacles is to innovate in promoting the library, collaborate with literacy activists or community leaders, provide complete facilities and infrastructure and maximize digital library services (iPusda). %K Perpustakaan Umum, Literasi, Perpustakaan Digital (iPusda) %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66172