%A NIM.: 16150080 Ulfanafi Azie %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ening Herniti, M.Hum %T SLANG AS SEEN IN FOUR LIONS MOVIE %X This graduating paper discusses about slang that used in Four Lions movie. The researcher tries to find out the use of slang in utterances of some characters in the movie and the social factors that influence them. This movie represents about a group of young british muslims men aspire to be suicide bombers. They are Omar, Waj, Barry, Faisal, and Hassan. As a group, they identify themselves as mujahidin. They reason why they want to become suicide bombers is because it is a part of jihad. This graduating paper is qualitative research which uses library research for data collection technique and Identity method for the analysis technique. The researcher uses the theory of Slang Linguistic Property on morphological level and semantic level by Elisa Matiello which explains how the slangs are formed and Social Factor by Janet Holmes that explains the social background of slangs uses. The researcher finds out 10 utterances that contain slang. The movie contains eleven different slangs that are created by compounding, conversion, suffixation, variation, partial disorganization, and complete disorganization. Slang is also widely used in social contexts to denote familiarity, aggression, and emphasis in a given statement %K Linguistik, Slang, Faktor Sosial %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66175