%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Ngizatul Istifada, NIM.: 18101020069 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2023 %F digilib:66218 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Ibrahim Hosen, Kontroversial Pemikiran, Metode Ijtihad %P 112 %T IBRAHIM HOSEN DAN PEMIKIRAN- PEMIKIRAN KONTROVERSIALNYA TENTANG HUKUM ISLAM DI INDONESIA TAHUN 1967-2000 M %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/66218/ %X Ibrahim Hosen is one of the reformers of Islamic law in Indonesia. He is known as an Indonesian Muslim scholar who is engaged in the fields of fiqh and ushul fiqh. During his lifetime he served as a member of the MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council) as chairman of the MUI fatwa commission. His thoughts often become controversial among Indonesian scholars. This study intends to explain the figure of Ibrahim Hosen regarding how the background for the formation of the ijtihad method, his thoughts often become controversial. This research is historical research that aims to reconstruct the past in a systematic, comprehensive and objective manner. In terms of analysis, this research is qualitative in nature. Based on the sources or objects studied, this research uses library research (library research) namely research that uses library materials such as books, magazines, articles, etc. about Ibrahim Hosen's thoughts. In addition, this research is included in the study of the history of thought. The approach used is a biographical approach. The author traces the genesis of thought that occurred within Ibrahim Hosen starting from the views or factors that influenced his thinking both internally and externally. The results of this study indicate that Ibrahim Hosen's intellectual journey, especially when he studied religion, influenced his way of thinking in issuing fatwas. In addition, family and environmental factors also influence his thinking. There are nine methods of ijtihad formulated by Ibrahim Hosen, namely: Understanding of the Qur'an/Kitabullah, Understanding of the Sunnah/hadith of the Prophet, approachof my wisdom, problemconsensus', the zawajir approach to criminal law, the promotion of mashlahah mursalah, the use of kidah irtikab akhaffi al-dlararain, the use of sad al-zariah propositions, fixing the qath'i. His controversial thoughts also received pros and cons from several figures. As for figures who are against his thoughts, such as: Said Agil Munawwar, K. H. Noer Ali, K. H. Istikhari, K. H. Mahrus Ali, and Hasan Basri. %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Himayatul Ittihadiyah, M.Hum