%A NIM.: 19101040002 Mela Rosita %O Pembimbing: Faisal Syarifudin, M.Si. %T PENGARUH KETERSEDIAAN KOLEKSI PERPUSTAKAAN TERHADAP MINAT BACA SANTRI DI PERPUSTAKAAN PONDOK PESANTREN NURUL UMMAH PUTRI KOTAGEDE %X This research aims to determine the effect of library collections availability on the reading interest of students at Nurul Ummah Putri Kotagede Islamic Boarding School Library. Type of research is a descriptive quantitative method. Using data analysis grand mean and regression analysis. The subjects of this research were all students of Nurul Ummah Putri Kotagede Islamic Boarding School with a total population of 337 students. A total of 77 students were sampled using a proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The variables of this research are collection availability (X) and reading interest (Y). Methods of data collection using a closed questionnaire with 4 alternative answers. The results of this research indicate that collection availability at Nurul Ummah Putri Kotagede Islamic Boarding School Library is in the good category with a score of 2,89. The reading interest of students at Nurul Ummah Putri Kotagede Islamic Boarding School is in the good category with a score of 3,23. The value of the correlation/relationship (R) is 0,489. From these results, the coefficient determination (R Square) is 0,239, meaning that the effect of independent variable (collection availability) on dependent variable (reading interest) is 23,9%, while remaining 76,1% is influenced by other factors. It is known that the regression coefficient X of 0,456 which mean that if the collection availability increases by 1%, there will be a 0,456 rise in reading interest. Based on the hypothesis test, it can be seen that there is an effect between the collection availability on reading interest. Researchers suggest increasing the availability of collections so that students' interest in reading can also increase. %K Ketersediaan Koleksi, Minat Baca, Perpustakaan Pesantren %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66296