%A NIM.: 19101040032 Muhammad Helmi Satrio Trengginas %O Pembimbing: Puji Lestari, M.Kom. %T EVALUASI KEPUASAN PENGGUNA ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOGUE (OPAC) PERPUSTAKAAN ULUL ALBAB SMAIT ABU BAKAR BOARDING SCHOOL KULON PROGO DENGAN METODE END USER COMPUTING SATISFACTION (EUCS) %X The quality of library information systems really needs to be maintained, because information systems are applied to libraries to assist in collecting, managing, storing, and presenting all information systematically. The OPAC of the SMAIT Abu Bakar Kulon Progo library has an important role in presenting all the information the library has to school members, especially students. The Ulul Albab Library has used the SLiMS library information system application since 2021 with the OPAC installed on a computer near the visitor entrance so that students from SMAIT Abu Bakar Boarding School Kulon Progo use it. However, since the first time the SLiMS OPAC was implemented, the Ulul Albab Library has never evaluated the quality of the OPAC in terms of user satisfaction, especially students. Based on information from librarians, that in one service day (from 08.00 to 16.00 WIB), the average number of library visitors is more than 20 students. Students usually access OPAC during school breaks, around 09.30 to 10.00 and 12.00 to 13.00. This study aims to determine the level of student satisfaction as OPAC users towards the Ulul Albab Library OPAC. This study uses a descriptive quantitative research method with a survey approach, namely research that utilizes statistical analysis of some of the population data taken and used as a sample. The results of this study's data analysis indicate the level of satisfaction of OPAC users at the Ulul Albab Library in terms of dimensions of Content is 3.07 or satisfied category, Dimension of Format has a value of 3.02 or the satisfied category, Dimension of Accuracy has a value of 2.99 or the satisfied category, Dimensions of Timeliness has a value of 3.017 or the satisfied category, and Dimensions of Ease of use has a value of 3.17 or the satisfied category. Research to develop OPAC is very important, especially in this increasingly digital age. This study focuses on discussing the level of satisfaction of OPAC users at the Ulul Albab Library, especially from the point of view of Islamic boarding school based students SMAIT Abu Bakar Kulon Progo, where students can only make the most of the facilities available at their school. %K OPAC, EUCS, Kepuasan Pengguna %D 2023 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib66319